top +2 college in Nepal
according to saptahik, a well-known publication in Nepal of Kantipur media group has published data of 2075 B.S(2018/19)
Prasadi Academy
address: Manbhawan.Lalitpur
average pass percentage:99.75
Kathmandu Model Secondary School
Address: Bagbazar, Kathmandu
Average Pass percentage: 99.71%
Global College of Management
Address: Mid-Baneswor
Average Pass percentage: 99.62%
Aroma English Secondary School
Address: Balmandir, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan
Average Pass percentage: 99.52%
Merryland college
Address: Biratnagar, Morang
Average Pass percentage: 99.35%
St. Xavier's College
Address: Maitighar, Kathmandu
Average Pass percentage: 99.30%
Tilottama Secondary School
Address: Tilottama - 2, Rupandehi
Average Pass percentage: 99.24%
Little Angel's School
Address: Hattiban, Lalitpur
Average Pass percentage: 99.19%
Kathmandu Bernhardt Secondary School
Address: Balkhu, Kathmandu
Average Pass percentage: 98.81%
Khwopa Secondary School
Address: Dekocha, Bhaktapur
Average Pass percentage: 98.80%