[TOP 20] Highest Scoring Show!Music Core Wins of 2019
Intro: BOL4 - Workaholic (21stPlace~)
Outro: https://youtu.be/RwbLCvr6RkI (ATEEZ - Dancing Like Butterfly Wings & Pentagon - Genius)
Here are the highest scores for all the winning songs this year from the Saturday music show Show!Music Core! I hope I didn't make any mistakes but let me know if I did!
Music Bank Scoring:
Before August 24th: Physical Sales + Digital sales (60%), Music Video Views (10%), MBC Radio Broadcast (5%), Viewers Committee Pre-voting (10%), Audience Live Voting (15%)
After August 24th: Physical Sales + Digital sales (60%), Music Video Views (10%), MBC Radio Broadcast (5%), Viewers Committee Pre-voting (10%), Streaming Hot Chart (10%), Audience Live Voting (15%)
(I know this doesn’t add up to 100%, but this is what it says on the MBC website.)
The Win# means the number of wins ONLY on show!music core, NOT including wins on other music shows. However, the First Win Star refers to the first win by an artist across all music shows.
Show!Music Core is also a music show that DOESN'T have triple crowns, which is why 3rd wins aren't noted as triple crowns, and some songs can have more than 3 wins.
2019 Year-End Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOvld8EbmLqEJt2txjxcuwwucIqxfuzy7
programs used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects
fonts used:
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