TOP 40+ Quality of Life mods for Minecraft! Bit by Bit by Mischief of Mice!
#MischiefOfMice #BitByBit #QoL
TOP 40+ Quality of Life mods for Minecraft!
Ding by ohaiiChun - makes a "ding" when pack is done loading (
TipTheScales by Jaredlll08 - Adds sliders in menus (
Toast Control by Shadows_of_Fire - no more "punch that tree"-like pop ups (
StepUp by Not TooManyItems - 3 modes of step-assist (
Tomb Many Graves 2 M4thG33k - get stuff back after death as you had it (
Xaero's Minimap by xaero96 - light weight minimap & waypoints (
Xaero's Worldmap by xaero96 - Worldmap (
Diet Hoppers by RWTema - bounding box of hopper is accurate (
Uppers by vadis365 - Hoppers that go up (
Display Martacus - modifiable display stands (
FindMe Buuz135 - find items in chests with a hotkey with mouse hover (
AppleSkin squeek502 - See saturation and hunger values of foods (
Inventory Tweaks by JimeoWan - Inventory/chest sorting, auto restocking, default/custom sorting options (
Nature's Compass by Chaosyr - find biomes (
Just Enough Resources (JER) by way2muchnoise - see what levels ores spawn at (
Ore Excavation by Funwayguy - mine shapes/veins of configurable stuff (
Passable Leaves by WhichOnesPink - walk through most "Leaves" (
Simple Harvest by workshopcraft - right click harvest/replant (goes to inventory) (
SimpleHarvest by TehNut - right click harvest/replant (pops to ground) (
Controlled Burn laike_endaril - Stop fires from destroying everything or make them worse (
Born in a Barn by Speiger - Stop villagers keeping chunks loaded w/doors (
Dude! Where's my Horse? by Noobanidus - teleport specific loaded entities to yourself (
Auto Third Person by quat1024 - Boat, Elytra, Horse, etc auto 3rd Person view (
Third Person Camera Fix by HialusFX - fixes close view issues in 3rd person view (
Wall-Jump! by genandnic - Double jump, wall grab, jump speed (
World Stripper by EwyBoy- Remove mundane earths in a large area (
Fast Furnace by Shadows_of_Fire - makes shift+item into/out of vanilla furnace less laggy (
Fast Workbench by Shadows_of_Fire - removes vanilla "book" button & makes shift+item into/out of vanilla crafting bench less laggy (
Faster Ladder Climbing by maddachshund- look to climb/descend faster on ladders (
Better Advancements by way2muchnoise - Advancements screen is easier to manage (
Carry On by Tschipp - carry some configurable things (needs open hands) (
Enchantment Descriptions by DarkhaxDev - adds just that but for books only (
Quick Leaf Decay by Lumien231 - Leaves decay faster (
Fast Leaf Decay by olafskiii - Leaves decay faster (
Cosmetic Armor Reworked by LainMI - adds in adjustable cosmetic armor slots (
Sound Filters by Tmtravlr - realistic echoes & some sound restrictions (
Super Sound Muffler by EdgarAllen - configurable sound reduction (
Oops! - Undo by darkevilmac - 3 seconds to get blocks back just placed (
ItemZoom by mezz - See magnified blocks in inventory screen on mouse hover (
SimpleZoom by UnRealDinnerBone - zoom in your view (
Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table by csb987 - Lapis stays and an ender chest version too (