Top 5 Best Firewood Processor and Machine -Zedioptima
Firewood machines and tools - ,
Firewood - ,
Hud-Son Forest Circle Brute Firewood Processor - ,
44 HP, 3 Stage Hydraulic Pump, 44” Blade, 18? Diameter Logs by 20’ Long, 3 Strand Live Deck, 4-Way Wedge Standard with 6-Way Optional, “V” Style Splitting Ram, 6.5 Second Cycle Time, Auto Cycle Splitter Valve
36 hp Subaru Gas Engine
Max Log Diameter 18?
Max Log Length 16'
1.5+ Full Cord Hardwood/Hour
Automatischer Sägespalter- SpaltFix K-660 a-Vario - POSCH Leibnitz SpaltFix K-660 a-Vario SpaltFix K-660 a-Vario automatically cuts and splits firewood up to a log diameter of 65 cm. The log is transported to the saw unit by the hydraulic controlled front feed and measured by two optical sensors in the process. The electronic control can cut every billet in such a way that there is no offcut or it splits the piece of wood in equally sized pieces.
For logs up to max. 65 cm Ø & 6 m length
Feed, saw, split, load firewood
Measures the log and produces zero off-cuts
Pre-set the required specification of log, setting log length from 20-50 cm (with OnlyCut function: 10-50 cm) and width adjustable between 5 - 15 cm
SuperCut Harvester Chainsaw
Waste wood ejector
Connection point for optional Chip extractor
Light curtain sensor for maximum safety
Timber volume calculation
Firewood Processor Halverson HWP-140B on a Cat 906H Halverson Firewood Processor
Cord King M1418 Firewood Processor -
13 HP Briggs and Statton COMMERCIAL Gas Powered (with 3-year warranty) and electric start
Hydraulic-driven 404 harvester bar and chain with pressure relief system
Gravity feed bar oiler system with large 1 ½ gallon capacity
Splitter Force 24 ton
4- or 6-way fixed splitting wedge (optional hyd adjustable wedge)
10' long Infeed Conveyor with continuous chain drive feeding
Available with standard 2-leg log lifting system with double 2" hydraulic cylinders
Available with remote controlled winch system for doing tree length logs
Lexan safety screen for excellent visibility
Hydraulic Reservoir Capacity: 20 gallons
3k lbs axel with running lights
2? Ball Hitch
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