Top 5 Careers For ENTP Personality Type | By An ENTP
Learning I was an MBTI ENTP personality type changed how I viewed myself and others permanently. Knowing my personality type help me focus on my talents while out sourcing my weaknesses and since has allowed me to grow personally and in business. During a live stream I was asked by an ENTP where should I go, what should I do and thats when I got the idea to do a top 5 careers for ENTP personality type video.
This list is based totally on my own opinion, not hard data, but how I view these career paths and how suited they are for me and people I think are like me. I count down from 5 to 1 ranking the careers in the order I value them. The number one career is for what I aspire to be. I also add roles I have considered or have taken on in my life.
My goals with this video are to potentially inspire the next generation of ENTP's, give counselors some guidance on that to actually advise students, and help ENTP's who are currently searching for answers. I know what it's like to be underwhelmed but a job. To be fired over and over not because you're dumb but just because you don't care for the routine.
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