Top Country Total Import in the World [1990-2020] - Racing Bar Charts - Youtube Video
Top Country Total Import in the World [1990-2020] - Racing Bar Charts - Youtube Video
This video will answer the following questions:
- Which country is top country total import?
- What are the top countries by total import?
- What are the top imports of goods and services
You want to know what is the top country total import in the world.
This video is a must-watch
It will answer all yours questions regarding total imports by country.
Countries imported goods very early.
As the transfer possibilities get better and better and cheaper and cheaper more and more imports of goods and services took place.
With the globalization imports in the world became higher than ever. Nearly everything you can image is imported anywhere in the world. Many companies use the cheaper working costs in countries in middle Asia. Thats why many of the top 10 importing countries get their goods from Asia.
While in the 1990s the USA and Germany were the top countries by import, nowadays China overhauled Germany in the total imports by country statistics.
data source:
#imports #importingcountries #top10countries #barracingchart
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Hi, I am Steffi and this is my channel on racing bar charts.
I love statistics since I was in school. I always made lists, charts and rankings as long as I can think.
I love all kind of data and data analysis and am a little bit nerdy with Excel ;-)
On this channel I will illustrate you racing bar graphs for top facts.
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The video includes the following content:
top countries by import
countries by import
list of countries by import
top countries that import to the us
top 10 countries that import to the us
best countries for import export business
top countries with import
top countries in import
best country to import from
top 5 countries import and export
top 10 export and import countries
top export and import countries
top countries by imports
top 10 countries by imports
top 20 countries by highest imports
countries ranked by imports
countries by imports
list of countries by imports
top 10 countries import export
top 10 import export countries