Top10 Best Money In The Bank PPV Matches!Money In the Bank এর ইতিহাসে সেরা ১০ টি ম্যাচ কোনগুলো?
10 Best Money In The Bank PPV Matches!Money In the Bank এর ইতিহাসে সেরা ১০ টি ম্যাচ কোনগুলো?
Photo Credits! WWE.COM
Now a pillar of WWE's pay-per-view calendar, Money In The Bank is often planned and executed as a transparent one-match-show.
The gimmick Chris Jericho devised in 2005 is perhaps the most significant creative innovation of the modern era. Pushes are plucked out of thin air with a successful cash-in, top titles are won and lost in an instant and all-too-rare surprises remain perpetually possible with a Mr. or Ms. Money In The Bank waiting to strike every time a Champion hits the deck.
Even the matches to decide just who will lug a toy briefcase through airports over the next 12 months are almost always excellent. Bodies fly, wrestlers nearly die, and a quest for arguably the company's legitimate secondary prize carries an evocative heft to match the brutal physicality on show.
But what of those that have to follow or even top all that? With crowds typically hyped to see the multi-person car wrecks and little else, wrestlers working the shows have arguably an even harder job - entertaining them with the mere act of actually just wrestling.