#Top10 Oil & Gas Stocks #Bursamalaysia #Stockmarket #PETGAS #MISC #DIALOG #SERBADK #YINSON #ARMADA
Investing in the oil and gas industry carries a number of significant risks. The major risk is the commodity price volatility risk, the price tends to fluctuate greatly due to its commodity nature. Another risk is the environment risk, the possibility of an oil spill or another accident during the production of oil or natural gas. However, long-term investments in oil and gas companies can be highly profitable due to its high dividend payout, and it is also a good source of diversification in your portfolio. In this video, let us examine the fundamentals of the oil and gas stocks and rank them according to their market capitalisation.
- I3 Investors https://klse.i3investor.com/
- Malaysian Stock Biz https://www.malaysiastock.biz/
- Bursa Market Place https://www.bursamarketplace.com/
Research Reports:
- AmInvest
- AffinHwang
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Pauline Yong is a licensed financial planner licensed by Securities Commission CMSRL and Bank Negara FAR.
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