Trading Psychology
The Ultimate Trading Psychology video
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Trading Psychology. Things we cover in this video are social media traders, risk: reward, Trading in % not pips, trading like a casino, trading plan, trade management, backtesting, confidence, winning and losing streaks, how to grow a small account, and many more.
Trading Psychology is probably the most important thing you can have as a trader. Not only having trust in your system but allowing yourself to keep a calm head while day trading or swing trading so you can consistently make profits in the markets.
Some books I recommend:
Trading In The Zone (Mark Douglas)
The Art Of War (Sun Tzu)
One Good Trade (Mike Bellafiore)
The Playbook (Mike Bellafiore)
If you have any questions supply and demand zones or suggest any pairs to trade forex/stocks/futures..any market I can create a video and highlight any daily or swing trading.
The content herein contains forward-looking statements regarding future events that involve risk and uncertainties. You are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are only predictions and may differ materially from actual events or results. The content herein is for information purposes and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned.
Thanks for watching =)!
Cheers- Austin
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