Tutorial: Ribbon edge ornament finishing
This tutorial will guide you through all of the steps to finish your embroidery in an ornament with a ribbon edge, double bow, and hanger. It covers preparing your shapes, covering with fabric, padding the ornament, assembly, and finishing.
With sincere apologies to Vonna Pfeiffer, the Twisted Stitcher, who I called Vonna White at multiple points in this tutorial, because I am really ready for 2021 to be over.
Materials used:
Backing fabric of your choice
Milliner's/Petersham ribbon of your choice to complement your finish, I recommend 5/8" width. Britex has an excellent selection: https://www.britexfabrics.com/ribbon/petersham-grosgrain-ribbon.html
Bristol paper, thick cardstock, or similar
Mistyfuse or the double sided fusible web of your choice
Felt - I like thicker felt for these as you need fewer layers, this is what I used: https://www.weircrafts.com/items/299453049
Fine needle for finishing, I used a #10 milliner's needle, and sewing thread, I like Kinkame silk thread, 50 weight, which you can purchase from Britex: https://www.britexfabrics.com/notions/thread/japanese-50-weight-silk-thread.html
Tools used:
Baker's parchment paper for attaching the Mistyfuse
Marking tool of your choice
Recommended for a circular finish: circular cutting tool, I use this one from Fiskars: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0006HUJ0S?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
Paper scissors
Fabric scissors
Vonna Pfeiffer's flat round ornament finishing tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzCfPccMkW8&t=444s