UGC NET/ JRF 2020 | Paper 1 & Paper 2 | Important Information by Rajendra Sir
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India’s top educators will be teaching you daily on this channel. We will cover the entire syllabus, strategy, updates, and notifications which will help you to crack NTA UGC NET examination with flying colors.
Unacademy platform has the best educators from all over the country, who take live classes every day.
=== Live Classes Schedule (Mon-Fri) from 4th March ===
✿ NTA UGC NET (Paper-1):
08:00 AM - Higher Education System by Neeraj Sir
09:00 AM - Communication by Mukesh Sir
10:30 AM - Maths by Naman Sir
11:15 AM - ICT by Aditi Ma’am
12:00 PM - Teaching Aptitude by Rajendra Sir
01:00 PM - Research Aptitude by Aditi Ma’am
✿ NTA UGC NET (Paper-2):
02:00 PM - Geography by Rajendra Sir
04:00 PM - Psychology by BL Rewar Sir
05:00 PM - History by Praveen Sir
06:00 PM - Computer Science by Aditi Ma’am
07:00 PM - Hindi by Ganesh Sir
08:00 PM - Commerce by Mukesh Sir
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