Undertaker's son appeals for his fathers return after he went missing at WWE Armageddon in WWE 2K19 Universe with mods. Previously Undertaker's son was betrayed by uncle Kane after Damian decided to stay on RAW. Kane's twin brother has previously only lost once, at the Royal Rumble.
Timeline of Events:
1. The Undertaker retires from wrestling after losing a retirement match.
2. Undertaker negotiates a deal with WWE for his son to take on his contract and immediately become a huge star. His son is a 7 foot tall world class athlete who rejected the NBA for WWE.
3. Damian wins the WWE title in no time at all and has a successful run on Smackdown.
4. Paul Bearer returned after revealing he was still alive and began to brainwash Damian.
5. Eventually Damian broke the curse and re-aligned with Undertaker.
6. Paul Bearer aligned with The Fiend & Aleister black & hatched a plan to push Damian off the top of the cell so Aleister could win the WWE championship.
7. Damian then moved to RAW to help his uncle Kane take out Evolution after Undertaker lost his battle.
8. Undertaker was resurrected at Armageddon and helped defeat evolution for good.
9. The following week, Damian revealed he would be staying on RAW full time. Kane & Lucifer were angry at his decision so decided to take him out.
10. Undertaker has not been seen since Armageddon & the fans are starting to speculate that Kane & Lucifer already knew taker wasn't coming back when they decided to ambush Damian.
Special appreciation the epic guys MrAdamMassacre, JaydeGarrow, NewMusikOrder & Hotman718 for the awesome custom theme songs. You guys are rock! This series is filmed in 2K19 instead of #WWE2K20 because there are more options for making custom films, hopefully another new patch can make it better.
Production music by teknoaxe.com & epidemicsound.com
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/