University of Sussex – Higher Education Top 5 Questions
During this particularly difficult time, we’re keen to make sure we are here for you if you are thinking about applying for University. In this video, John Giannini, a member of staff from the University of Sussex Recruitment team answers, the top five most popular questions asked since the outbreak of COVID-19, and runs through them to help you figure out the next steps you can take to prepare for Higher Education.
Throughout the video, several different links are mentioned, including URLs for online talks & presentations to help you with your application processes – please find these below!
Online Presentation URLs:
Student Life -
Student Finance -
UCAS Applications and Admissions -
Funding advice:
Coronovirus Advice for Students:
If you have any further questions, don’t forget you can drop as an email at [email protected] or ring us on +44(0)1273 876787.