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Upnhm staff nurse top 10 questions

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NO: 224/2009)
1. The most common pathogenic mechanism of acute pancreatitis is – Auto digestion of the pancreas.
2. What does the nurse monitors for, in a patient with Acute Renal Failure?
Pulmonary edema and ECG changes.
3. A disease caused by Treponema pallidum is – Syphilis.
4. Which of the following is an important nursing intervention for a patient with Cushing
(a) Left Middle Cerebral Artery (b) Observe for hypotension
(c) Protect from infection (d) Restrict carbohydrate intake.
Ans: Protect from infection.
5. Involvement of which of the following structures will lead to right-sided hemiplegia
and aphasia?
(a) Left Middle Cerebral Artery (b) Vertebral Artery (c) Brain stem
(d)Right Middle Cerebral Artery.
Ans: Left Middle Cerebral Artery
6. Which one of the following is a common response expected in a patient with stroke, to
the change in body image?
(a)Denial (b) Dis association (c) Delusion (d) Depression.
Ans: Depression.
7. A patient with early osteoporosis must be advised to- Stop smoking
8. For doing nasotracheal suctioning, during which of the following patient activities, the
catheter should be inserted?
(a)Swallowing (b) Inhaling (c) Exhaling (d) Retching
Ans: Inhaling
9. The simple most effective method for reducing the risks of stasis of pulmonary
secretions is- Two hourly position change.
10. What is cyanosis?
Blue discoloration of skin.

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