UPPSC AHC RO ARO Pre 2021 Top 50 Most Expected Current Affairs Questions by study for civil services
most important expected top 50 current affairs mcq questions for uppsc uppcs up pcs psc ro aro ro/aro samiksha adhikari sahayak samiksha adhikari review officer assistant review officer ( for 2021 ro exam and pcs prelims exam , also useful for upsssc upsi up si uppcl 67th bpsc bihar si mppsc gs ras ukpsc jpsc and other competitive government one day exams )
Ro aro Test series = https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhsE1WI0cN3e_c3TBWBflIKcLkgI_-D3U
UP PCS PRE 2021 TEST SERIES = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhsE1WI0cN3ce4qUFHyiDHH7JJyyNplLo
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