UPSC Prelims 2020 Special Class on Preparation Tips by Srushti Jayant Deshmukh AIR 5 CSE 2018
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Srushti secured AIR 5 in the 2018 Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Service Examination.
In this special class, she gives important preparation tips for UPSC 2020.
Shrusti achieved success in the civil services exams in her very first attempt. She started her UPSC preparation in her second year of graduation. Here Shrushti shares the learnings from her attempts and important Dos and Don'ts for the exam.
Must watch for all IAS aspirants.
Want to know more about the topper's preparation strategy? Curious about the resources, and timetable Srushti followed? How did she read the NCERT? How did she become an IAS Topper, a UPSC Topper?
Watch her CTwT episode here:
Watch the video to get all the answers in one place.
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