Volcano Live | Taal OnGoing | Multiview
=== TAAL VOLCANO BULLETIN 17 January 2020 8:00 A.M. ===
Activity in the Main Crater in the past 24 hours has been characterized by steady steam emission and infrequent weak explosions that generated dark gray ash plumes 100 to 800 meters tall and dispersed ash southwest to west of the Main Crater.
Existing fissures identified in barangays of Lemery, Agoncillo, Talisay, and San Nicolas in Batangas Province have been observed to widen by a few centimeters. A steaming fissure has been newly observed on the northern slopes of Taal Volcano Island. Receding of the shoreline has been observed around the whole of Taal Lake.
The Philippine Seismic Network plotted a total of six hundred thirty-four (634) volcanic earthquakes since 1:00 PM, January 12, 2020. One hundred seventy-four (174) of these registered at magnitudes M1.2 – M4.1 and were felt at Intensities I – V. Since 5:00 AM on January 16, 2020 until 5:00 AM today, there were sixty-five (65) volcanic earthquakes plotted, two (2) of these registered at magnitudes M1.3 -M3.1 and were both felt at Intensity I. The Taal Volcano Network recorded nine hundred forty-four (944) volcanic earthquakes including twenty-nine (29) low-frequency earthquakes. Such intense seismic activity likely signifies continuous magmatic intrusion beneath the Taal edifice, which may lead to further eruptive activity.
Alert Level 4 still remains in effect over Taal Volcano. This means that hazardous explosive eruption is possible within hours to days. DOST-PHIVOLCS strongly reiterates total evacuation of Taal Volcano Island and high-risk areas as identified in the hazard maps within the 14-km radius from Taal Main Crater and along the Pansipit River Valley where fissuring has been observed. Residents around Taal Volcano are advised to guard against the effects of heavy and prolonged ashfall. Civil aviation authorities must advise pilots to avoid the airspace around Taal Volcano as airborne ash and ballistic fragments from the eruption column pose hazards to aircraft. DOST-PHIVOLCS is continually monitoring the eruption and will update all stakeholders of further developments.
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Link, which might make you interested in volcano:
Site that watch volcano each country and official info:
Indonesia - https://magma.esdm.go.id/
United States - https://www.usgs.gov/
Alaska - https://avo.alaska.edu/
New Zealand - https://www.geonet.org.nz/
Mexico - http://www.cenapred.gob.mx/
Philippines - https://hazardhunter.georisk.gov.ph/
Philippines - http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/
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Link Seismograph and Earthquake:
Ingv - http://early-est.rm.ingv.it/warning.html (this cool app)
IRIS - http://ds.iris.edu/gmap/
Geofon - https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/
EMSC - https://www.emsc-csem.org/
Raspberry Shake - https://raspberryshake.net
Link For Weather/Ash Monitor:
Nullschool - https://earth.nullschool.net/
Sentinel Hub - https://www.sentinel-hub.com/
Lightning tracking - https://meteologix.com
Hot spots - http://www.mirovaweb.it/
Volcanic Cloud Monitoring - https://volcano.ssec.wisc.edu
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