War Robots (WR) - Halloweeeeen [PGO Live #69]
The new War robots (WR) Halloween event is live, and it's time for more live game play.
We also have a new operation and a substantial rework of how drones work. I have a lot of thoughts in particular on how we should be drones now.
Join me Antipirate every Saturday as I complete my daily tasks and interact with chat. I’ll activate some boosters and play some Champion League War Robots.
Equipped with my personal hangar, currently consisting of igniter blaze mender franken Shredder Blitz , shredder atomizer Invader, Nucleon Bulwark, Glacier Hawk and Retaliator Nodens, I’ll do my best to carry my team to victory and probably encounter some maxed hangars along the way.
I’m always looking to take questions for the live chat and discuss War Robots news, strategies, tactics, tips, builds and so on, also I’ll probably end up dancing in my chair at some point.
Join the PGO discord: https://discord.gg/rZvmmMN
Support the Channel: https://streamlabs.com/positivelygeekingout
PGO Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Positivelygeekingout/
FB for on stream squadding: https://www.facebook.com/pgeeking.out.5
Cloud Bot https://streamlabs.com/positivelygeekingout/cloudbot
Commands (enter in chat, with correct details and no brackets):
!give [username] [amount]
!redeem weapon [weaponrobot]
cost:20 points
!redeem duel [android player ID]
cost:100 points
!redeem gamemode [BR/Dom/TDM/FFA]
cost: 15 points
!redeem robot [mender/loki/mercury/ares/ravana/Jaeger]
cost: 25 points
!redeem review [android player ID]
cost:50 points
!redeem dance
cost: 5 points
!redeem hue [a number between -180 and 180]
cost: 10 points
Redemptions I cannot fulfill will be refunded
#warrobots #robotgame #PGO
!redeem cossack