Warwick Top vs Sett - KR Challenger Patch 11.4
#Warwick Top played by 혼자 온 세상, #KRChallenger 506 LP
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More information:
- Skin: Hyena Warwick
- Primary Rune: Conqueror
- OP.GG: http://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=%ED%98%BC%EC%9E%90%20%EC%98%A8%20%EC%84%B8%EC%83%81
OP.GG link maybe not working because summoner name has changed!
00:00 Ban & Pick
00:15 Runes & Abilities
01:31 Get a SOLO KILL
01:59 Gameplay
02:40 Team FIGHT
03:08 Gameplay
03:43 Team FIGHT
04:11 Gameplay
05:45 Get a SOLO KILL
06:13 Gameplay
08:36 Get a SOLO KILL
09:04 Gameplay
09:47 Team FIGHT
10:15 Gameplay
13:03 Get a SOLO KILL
13:31 Gameplay
16:14 Get a Double Kill
16:46 Take down The Turret
17:10 Gameplay
18:36 Take down The Turret
18:54 Team FIGHT
19:58 Gameplay
21:06 Get a SOLO KILL
21:28 Team FIGHT
21:43 Gameplay
23:31 Take down The Inhibitor
23:59 Gameplay
24:39 Team FIGHT
25:29 End credit (Damage dealt and Runes Stat)
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