Hey Everybody, after many, many years of deliberation I have finally reached the point of no return with social media. There is no doubt that it is an incredible tool for connecting with other people but, ultimately, I personally think the bad outweighs the good.
I want to be as productive as I can and I want to be as creative as I can and I can't do either of these things with social media in my life.
What might you be doing if social media wasn't a part of your life?
I'll leave you with this quote as a parting thought...
"The typical mobile phone user touches his or her phone 2,617 times every day, according to a study by research firm Dscout. But that's just the average user: The study found that extreme cellphone users — meaning the top 10% — touch their phones more than 5,400 times daily".
This state of affairs is utterly bonkers.
I filmed this video on someone else's phone but I'd like to think I could get a smart phone again in the future, minus the social media...
P.s. This post is about social media use, not internet use. We can use internet without social media and I think it would be a better place. xxxx