Watchtower "eviscerated" in California Court over Fair Use [BREAKING NEWS]
Watchtower lost the Darkspilver case in California where they were trying to uncover the identity of an anonymous reddit users claims to still be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
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A special thank-you to my Activist-level supporters:
Andie Pole, Debra Lackey-Hay, Sad But True, NoMoreSecrets, Emilio Alvarez, Allen Harken, Flavio Pereira, Kyle Corn, Sean Cruz, Ina Pickle, Bum Rush, Terje Knudsen Akerholt, Sterling Suhr, Martha Galo, Lee White, Julie Willow
And my Scholar-level supporters:
Shelley Martin, Jake Mr. GREEN Bruggeman, Mercury Dime, Terje Knudsen Akerholt, Cindy M. Daniel, Italian Vaper, Truman Burbank, Kevin Smith, Grateful 2020, Shelley Martin, jeffrey5941, anttix086, Southern Bawse Lady
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All statements in this video are simply my opinion as a former member of Jehovah's Witnesses, and should be viewed only as my opinion.
All footage images used in this video are used legally for criticism, commentary & education, and are protected by the Fair Use Law/Act: Section 107 of the USC:
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