In Stephen Sharer last vlog “TOP SECRET ESCAPE ROOM HATCH FOUND in NEW GARAGE REVEAL!!” Stephen and best friend BFF John had received some BRAND NEW MYSTERY BOX CHALLENGES at the front of their garage. After further inspection, they see that these boxes have been sent by Hot Wheels and contain some of the most EPIC MODELS EVER CREATED! They take a look through the GAMES and see a HOT WHEELS EPIC LOOP CHALLENGE and HOT WHEELS MONSTER TRUCKS which they inspect before moving on. Stephen and John pick teams and compete using their Hot Wheels Monster Trucks and Cars to see who can win the most SHARER FAM CHALLENGES to receive the ULTIMATE $10,000 DOLLAR MONEY PRIZE! While TESTING their Hot Wheels, Stephen accidentally breaks a hole into the wall and REVEALS A TOP SECRET HIDDEN DOOR INSIDE SHARER FAM HOUSE GARAGE! You won’t believe what happens next when the door appears to have an NEARLY ENDLESS TUNNEL inside! Today in Stephen Sharer newest vlog Stephen and John are on a TOP SECRET SPY MISSION to gather TOP SECRET EVIDENCE CLUES because they found a Hidden Trap Door Hatch inside their own Garage after doing an epic GARAGE REVEAL in Stephen Sharer last video. They grab their most trusted SPY NINJA GADGETS and they proceed to EXPLORE inside UNDERGROUND HATCH that might go UNDERNEATH the SHARER FAM HOUSE in Los Angeles. Inside this ESCAPE ROOM HATCH they discover there is a TOP SECRET CENTRAL CONTROL PANEL with GADGET SWITCHES that may control their entire house! Stephen and John continue exploring and find an entire ESCAPE ROOM SAFE HOUSE with SECRET ESCAPE HATCH UNDERNEATH THEIR HOUSE UNDERGROUND inside SHARER FAM HOUSE. Inside this hole there was smoke pouring out similar to CHAD WILD CLAY B235 which is CHAD WILD CLAY MEMORY LOSS SMOKE that MADE Daniel, Regina, and Melvin forget who their family is!