We Say Things 52 - AdmiralBulldog gets banned for bodily fluids
"The episode where AdmiralBulldog gets banned for bodily fluids"
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Topics (Timestamps thanks to Patreon unlock):
00:00 - Start
02:52 - New series to replace A-Z
06:42 - POG update
07:56 - Weplay Pushka League
14:59 - Is the current patch good?
36:56 - Dotapit
38:13 - Yolo Knight
41:36 - Admiral Bulldog & Mason banned
45:12 - Weplay drama
51:31 - Artifact
1:09:50 - Amazon's new game
1:16:05 - Elon Musk's son's name
1:24:46 - Mailbag
1:28:57 - Story time
1:33:40 - In Bruges Weekly Question