WEEKEND SPECIAL: 1984 Mitsubishi Galant ST Gets the 10-Point Check at Kenzone! :) | EvoMalaysia.com
YES FOLKS it's been a while since I've updated anything about the '84 Mitsubishi Galant Super Touring hasn't it? Well, sadly the confirmed sale didn't go thru and she's back with me again, after being in cold-storage awaiting the buyer to collect her, which eventually - through no fault of anyone - didn't happen. These things do happen and CMCO ain't helping matters much.
Funnily enough, I'm not that upset about this, seeing as how I wasn't trying to offload a piece of junk, in fact far from it. This car is still amazing, despite being older than the Saga! Known as a "Japanese Mercedes" when it was new, about 7 weeks had passed since I last drove her, but she still started up and drove to Kenzone without any issues at all. She's now taking part in the 10-Point Service Inspection, and also getting some small things sorted.
Stay tuned for what happens with the car next! Oh yeah, and the Rockin' Rona too! :)
NB: As a recap, here's what the 10-Point service promotion at Kenzone is all about...
1) The 10-point service check is free for anyone taking part in the on-going Special Service Promotion at Kenzone (see video link above).
2) If you've already taken advantage of the on-going Special Service Promo at Kenzone earlier, don't fret, you can still bring your vehicle in for the 10-point check, FOC.
3) If you just want to do the 10-point service check without servicing your car here (or if you've already recently serviced it elsewhere) the cost is a mere RM45/-. Again, no obligation. If u wish to rectify any issues found, it can be done on the spot, if u don't want to, that's fine too.
Remember to show that you've liked the Promo video and have subscribed to my channel. Hope this additional promo helps some of you to put your mind at ease during these trying times! And do stay tuned for the results of what happened with the Savvy too! :)
Video edited by Chi Yang.
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#kenzone #servicepromotion #mitsubishi #galant