WEEZER–10 Amazing Weezer Songs NOT on 'Blue Album' or 'Pinkerton'
#Weezer #VanWeezer #HellaMega
You probably know every word to “Buddy Holly.” You’ve certainly headbanged to “Say It Ain’t So.” And yeah, “El Scorcho” is probably deeply attached to someone you never got the nerve to ask out in college. Weezer’s first two albums—The Blue Album and Pinkerton—may have revolutionized rock music in the ’90s and are definitely some of the best material in the band’s catalog, but as iconic as their first two records are, they often eclipse some of the brilliant songs and records that came after.
Maybe you only liked the singles on The Red Album or checked out after the first time you heard “Photograph,” but you may be missing out on some amazing songs that came long after the last guitar strum of “Butterfly” and, if you love Weezer, deserve a second listen.
Check out the Spotify playlist featuring all of the songs on this list.
Written and Edited By Bobby Makar
narrated By Krysten Sulin
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