Wellness Hacks for your Period + Womb | HEALING+
I'm back with a Healing Wellness Video for your Period/Womb :)
Period Underwear, Menstrual Cramps, PCOS, Endometriosis, Cysts etc
Please SHARE & Subscribe For More! http://goo.gl/279LdK
F O L L O W M E :
Instagram: @TkeyahBennett
Twitter: @TkeyahBennett
Facebook: fb.me/ItsTkeyahB
P R O D U C T S :
Period Underwear http://bit.ly/benett-lilova
Herbal Teas https://www.zentanical.com/discount/TKBZEN
Organic Tampons x Natracare CVS, Walgreens
D I S C O U N T C O D E S :
Note: some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning I get paid a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase.
Shop with me @glossier to receive 20% off your first order! https://www.glossier.com/reps/tkeyah
$40 Off Your First Airbnb Stay: https://bit.ly/2TlBOsf
$10 Off your first LYFT ride with code TK532739
$10 Off your first UBER ride with code tkb22ue
KinkyCurlyYaki Extensions Use Code "TKEYAH" for $20 off a $150+ purchase https://kinkycurlyyaki.refersion.com/c/5185bc
E Q U I P M E N T : Canon Powershot g7x mark II
B U S I N E S S :
[email protected]
M U S I C : el. Loop 14 on Soundcloud
F T C : Not Sponsored