What Is Blue Protocol? - New Upcoming MMORPG Fantasy / Anime
Blue Protocol is a new upcoming MMORPG that's quickly becoming one of the most highly anticipated MMOs of 2020, This Japanese Anime styled MMO has recently had a lot more information come out regarding upcoming content such as progression, dungeons, combat, the world, PVP, Arenas and general gameplay as well as a new trailer.
Thanks to Cryy for letting me use his footage - https://www.youtube.com/cryyfuu
BlueProtocolDB for the latest info on Blue Protocol - https://blueprotocoldb.com/
What's more exciting is that Blue Protocol seems to be gearing up for a global release as hinted by their recent job postings, all aboard the hype train I guess?
What do you think about Blue Protocol with all the recent news and info that's came out? Is this a game you're excited for? what would you like to see added to the game? let me know in the comments below!
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Twitch TV: http://www.twitch.tv/the_lazy_peon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigtlp/
---Blue Protocol DB About The Game Description---
Blue Protocol is an MMORPG developed by the Japanese company known as Bandai Namco. More precisely, by the Project SKY BLUE team. The game runs on Unreal Engine 4 and has a dynamic combat system similar to Tera and Soul Worker. The game immerses you into an animated and rich universe of colors powered by cel-shaded graphics to present anime inspired visuals. Wield a unique weapon by choosing any of the four classes which are known as the Aegis Fighter, Twin Striker, Blast Archer or Spell Caster. Each class stands out with their own unique abilities and specializations which you can use to defeat your foes and save your friends.
While the world is on the brink of devastation, only you can change the tide. Join forces with friends and strangers to defeat foes beyond your might. Travel the lands, the seas, and time to change the future beyond this fight.
Story of the game
The paradise that the Gods forgot.
The children of man carve their own path across the land.
Regnus, a planet once ruled by a divine tribe thrived using a mystic light.
Many millennia later, what remains are their ruins, treasures and a dark secret.
Start your journey in this forsaken paradise, uncover its truth and become part of history.
-Once, this planet was a sparkling paradise where the Gods lived.
The planet Regnus. A mysterious light “Engram” filled the planet and people lived in extreme prosperity. They were known as the “Bafalia Divine Clan.”
The “Bafalia Civilization” they built spanned all the land in Regnus and they even held the flow of time in their hands. Thus passed centuries, millennia –
The Divine Clan left for the skies and the human age has come. People seek the afterglow of the Gods and explore the Bafalia ruins. Lost technology. Dazzling treasure. Dangerous monsters. Towering remains. And… the all-destroying “Beast of the Planet.”
Spin the planet’s fate. Inscribe a new footprint onto Regnus’ history – !
Blue Protocol, New Upcoming Anime MMORPG 2020, MMO, PVP, PVE Cell Shaded, Kurtzpel, Peria Chronicles, Instanced World, Arenas, Dungeons, Character Creation, Questing, World Bosses, Raiding, Story, Cutscenes, Bandi Namco, Japanese Game, PC, Gamepad, Japan MMO
What Is Blue Protocol? - New Upcoming MMORPG Fantasy / Anime