What is Sixth Sense in Hindi | How to see future | Superhuman Powers
What is Sixth Sense
The sixth sense is nothing but the power of your mind to predict the future based on the combination of information stored in your consicous mind and your subconscious mind. The sixth sense is actually powered by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind sends the information to your conscious mind according to its calculations and then you get the famous 'gut feeling'. The gut feeling is the same information that the subconscious mind sends.
It really can't be explained by science. The subconscious mind is still a mystery.
Your mind is one of the most mysterious things in our universe and scientists are still now aware of the powers of mind. Its really wonderful.
A Sixth Sense? It's in Your Genes. Taste, smell, vision, hearing, touch and… awareness of one's body in space? Yes, humans have at least six senses, and a new study suggests that the last one, called proprioception, may have a genetic basis.
Extrasensory perception or ESP, also called sixth sense, includes claimed reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind. we are taught that the human body has five senses. I'm sure we can all recite them: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. ... To most people, a “sixth sense” refers either to one outside the realm of the scientific, or one that simply does not exist in most humans.
researchers have now found we all have 'spidey sense' like the web-slinging superhero”. The so-called 'spidey sense' is the eponymous superhero's ability to predict when he is in danger.
What is the Subconscious Mind Power Techniques and how does it work?
The subconscious mind is a data-bank for everything, which is not in your conscious mind. It stores your beliefs, your previous experience, your memories, your skills. Everything that you have seen, done or thought is also there. It is also your guidance system.
what is law of attraction
The law of attraction is the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation, everywhere and in many ways. Even the law of gravity is part of the law of attraction. This law attracts thoughts, ideas, people, situations and circumstances.