What Is The Best Bike For Commuting? Pros & Cons of Each Commuter Bike
What is the best bike for commuting? Is it a road bike, gravel bike, mountain bike, single speed, fixed gear, e-bike, etc? In today's video I'm going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each and tell you what I think is the best commuter bike for me.
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As a daily bike commuter with a collection of over 10 bikes currently, I have tried a variety of different bikes through every season and various types of weather. Each type of commuting bike has it's own set of advantages and disadvantages, and I will be sharing my experience with each type in today's video.
If I missed anything, please let me know in the comments.
Here are some other videos I made about bike commuting:
My thoughts after bike commuting every day for 6 months
Commuting by MTB - Advantages and Disadvantages
Commuting by Road Bike - Advantages and Disadvantages