What is Women’s Work? Top 10 Occupations For Women
Lately I’ve been noticing that “women’s work” has been a topic of discussion. I’ve noticed several sisters say things like, “nursing is not women’s work,” “women don’t belong in the workplace,” or even that “women should only provide passive income.”
In this video I will discuss the definition of women’s work, passive income, active income, and the top 10 occupations for women.
By definition, women’s work is any work traditionally and historically undertaken by women, especially tasks of a domestic nature such as cooking, needlework, and child rearing. But let’s look a little deeper into biblical roles, talents, and gifts. Someone has to care for the sick! It just happens to be that women make up 91% of the profession of nursing. Which by definition makes it women’s work!
Contrary to popular belief, women’s work is not always easy. As a matter of fact, it is hard work. Whether you are a housewife or in the workplace, the roles that women naturally undertake are not easy. Caring, nurturing, teaching, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the household, and children are not easy roles. And if you can bring in a significant salary while fulfilling these roles, I don’t see why you wouldn’t.
At the end of the day, no marriage is the same. And people should marry who they match. Some women have different talents or gifts, and I don’t believe that you ought to hide your light under a rock because of what others think. I couldn’t think of a better profession for women. Nursing is #1.