When to NOT say LOW KEY (Top 10)
I tried doing a secret promotional ad for the FARMERS ONLY dating site, but it's not a real ad. It just seems like an ad, but its really just a top 10 list of when not to say the term Low-Key.
If you have any topics you'd like to see covered, leave a comment. I like making review videos on pretty much anything. It could be a concept, idea, something going on in the news, or even a tech product.
Now the good news is that since i’m a very small channel, i wont be making too many Tech Reviews, because for the most part, giant multi million dollar companies usually don’t send products out for review to channels that have under 100 subscribers.
Now why is this good? Well i can focus on making more abstract and interesting videos, based on whatever i find fascinating about the world we live in. Let me tell ya, we live on a very wild and dynamic planet, so there will always be plenty to talk about.