Who Is No.1 Roasters Youtuber of Bangali | Top 10 Bangali Youtubers | The Bong Guy
Who Is No.1 Roasters Youtuber of Bangali | Top 10 Bangali Youtubers | The Bong Guy
This video is about the top10 banglar Roasting youtubers of bangla. In this video you will know the the list of top 10 most subscribed youtube channels in banglar.The Bong Guy recntly crossed 2.7M subscribers due to his recent video which got popular on the topic of youtube vs Tiktok.Hid roast video has TahseeNation 1.15M subs in a week he is now in top 10 list of youtubers in bangla. Apart from him,different creators such as YourAhosan,Ss troll,Taseen nation, RnaR, YourAhosaN, SsTroll, BisaktoChele, BostirChelePocha,The Dirty Guy,Otho Bangla, have also reacted to this situation...
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Tags: #Top10 #Top10Roasters #Roasted #TheBongGuy #TaseenNation #RnaR
#YourAhosaN #SsTroll #BostirChelePocha #BisaktoChele #Top10RoastingYoutubeChannel2020