Why SMMA is The BEST OPPORTUNITY as a Beginner Entrepreneur | 2020 Best Online Business
In this video I wanted to speak very candidly about how running a marketing agency completely destroys any other online business model. Frankly, I would venture to say that doing anything else will slow you down ultimately. Watch the video and see why!
Interested in starting, or growing your marketing agency to that 6-figure level? Check out the online course: "Six Figure Marketing Consultant" here - https://sso.teachable.com/secure/161098/checkout/1504256/6-figure-marketing-consultant
Ready to scale your agency/consulting business with me one on one? Schedule a free strategy session here: http://treycockrum.com/coaching
Follow me on Instagram for daily Instagram story updates, and a more "behind-the-scenes" look at what I'm up to - https://www.instagram.com/treycockrum/
Thanks for watching!
- Trey