Why Students Fail in Semester System - Survival Guide | Top 10 Reasons | Dr Irfan Hyder
Top 10 Reasons Why Students Fail in Semester System- Survival Guide
About 5%-10% of students entering the university are unable to survive the semester system. The following list of top 10 reasons is based on my observations as a student from 1980-1994 at NED, IBA Karachi and at Univ of Texas at Austin. These are also based on my interactions with dropouts as faculty member from 1995-present (FAST NU, IBA, KIET, IoBM) with eighteen years as Deputy Director and Dean. I have given counseling to countless students. Often the students come when it is too late. At times their behavior compels me to think that they were asking to be dropped! You will agree too after reading this list.
1. Not knowing the dropout rules of your university.
2. Not being able to compute your own CGPA using Excel.
3. Not repeating the failed course immediately in the next semester.
4. Not submitting the assignments and project reports on time.
5. Submitting a blank answer sheet. Not writing even a few sentences as answers to questions.
6. Absenting yourself from the class on the day when the teacher gives some crucial detail necessary for passing the course.
7. Not developing friendships with other smart students.
8. Not trying to understand what the teacher wants.
9. Not identifying the official student counsellor(s),
10. Not developing a mentee-mentor relationship
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