Why The T-Mobile And Sprint Merger Is A Bad Idea
David and David tell you everything you need to know about the T-Mobile and Sprint merger. We’ll explain where things stand now and what it means for you, the consumer.
0:11 Background Information About The T-Mobile and Sprint Merger
0:30 Why The Federal Courts Are Allowing This Merger
0:45 Final Obstacles For The Merger
1:08 DISH Mobile: Will They Succeed?
3:15 Can I Keep My Phone?
3:21 How The Merger Will Impact 5G Rollout
4:23 What The Merger Means For Employees
4:37 What The Merger Means For Stock Owners
5:53 Concerns We Have About The Merger
8:18 What The Merger Means For Consumers
View T-Mobile plans: https://www.upphone.com/cell-phone-plans/t-mobile-cell-phone-plans-deals-comparison-prices/
The Verge article on the merger: https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/12/21134278/sprint-tmobile-merger-court-ruling-opinion-decision-explainer-carriers-antitrust
Judge Marrero's decision approving the merger: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19712093/show_temp__6_.pdf
Compare every cell phone, every plan, and coverage maps on UpPhone: https://www.upphone.com
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