Wintering in FL? Need to Know info!
One of the biggest advantages to RVing Fulltime is the ability to winter in FL! As Florida residents, RV Odd Couple shares insider tips that only the locals know… Until now! If you’re a snowbird in FL, make sure you don’t make these rookie mistakes!
The RV Odd Couple offers tips to dealing with the crowds, Florida beaches tricks, and even discuss dangerous animals in Florida, including Alligators and Jellyfish stings.
When considering the RV lifestyle, becoming a snowbird is a major plus side. For those wanting to RV full time, these insider tips will help you keep safe while in Florida
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We’re the RV Odd Couple, and we sold our house and most of all our possessions to live in an RV, with freedom, independence and adventure. (with our toddler and dog). We documented the process to transition into full-time RV living with our family and experienced the RV travel mistakes that you shouldn’t have to. This channel aims to provide you with valuable trailer travel tips and tricks, RV life basics, and motorhome beginners tips. We also plan to upload some of our fifth wheel RV vlog adventures as we travel the country too! If you’re into traveling vlogs, RV country traveling, or want to start full time RV living on the right foot, join us as we take on the adventure of our lives.
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John & Mercedes, RV Odd Couple