WOKE FAILS 2020!!! (TOP 10 countdown)
This video is intended for comedic purposes. There have been many fails in the year of 2020 so far (some may say the year itself is one big fail in itself) but I've managed to sort though the tripe and find some gems to review and reaction to in a (hopefully) comedic way. From Black Lives Matter (BLM), protests, woke cringe, SJWs, Karens, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo to Donald Trump haters we travel the spectrum of failures.
- Credit to Allegiance To Liberty on Instagram. Go follow them @allegiancetoliberty.
- Credit to Raging Patriots on Instagram. Go follow them @raging _patriots
- Credit to WTFBrahh for the song "Nancy You're Not Supposed To Get Setup! REMIX - WTFBRAHH" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYooiPHMX6Q&ab_channel=WTFBrahh
Go check out their YouTube channel for more great remixes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUW4O5Xeh43A83sN2xAiZDQ
#alllivesmatter #blm #fails
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