World's TOP20 largest economies by Nominal GDP (1980- 2026) |TOP 10 Channel
TOP20 largest economies by Nominal GDP in the world (1980- 2026) - latest update in 2021 by #TOP10Channel
Data: IMF, 2021
Keywords: #TOP10Channel, #world, #NominalGDP
The world economy is developing continuously. The advancement of science, technology, management, logistics promotes the expansion of economies around the world. In the nineteenth century, European countries dominated , while the twentieth century was the domination of the US economy. The 21st century is considered the century of Asia. Of the world's top 40 economies, by PPP, more than half are from Asia. China and India are the two largest economies in the world. The United States will occupy the 3rd place. Indonesia, Japan are other strong Asian economies.
#TOP10Channel presents the video TOP20 largest economies by Nominal GDP in the world (1980- 2026) based on reported Nominal GDP in the last 41 years 1980-2021 and predicted Nominal GDP for next five year 2022-2026 of IMF.
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