Worship Service Sunday | July 31, 2022 | When Your Cries Turn To Praise
Thank you for joining our live worship service today. We encourage you to join us each and every Sunday at 10:45 and it is our mission to share the good news of Jesus Christ with you.
Bishop Clarence Kelby Heath will bring forth today's message, and we hope you take these messages and add value to your life.
Sermon Scripture: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+107%3A4-8&version=KJV
Sermon Outline:
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CashApp: $Cartermetroftw
Weekly schedule
Virtual Church School | 9:30am - Zoom classes for everyone
Worship service (Sundays) | 10:45am - cartermetroftw.com
Bible Study (Wednesdays) | noon or 6:35pm (adult), Zoom for youth
#liveworship #onlineworship #cmechurches #8thepiscopaldistrict #pastorclarencekheath