XIM APEX | Overwatch Montage | Top 10 Peak DPS 4326
Non Scoped Heros:
Aim: 15.18
Sync: default
Smoothing: 2
Y/X Ratio: 1.00
Steady Aim: 0.0
Boost: 0
Scoped Heros:
The same as Non Scoped but it has a Aux:
Aim of Aux: 8.18 ( For Ashe 9.18)
Sync: Default
Smoothing: 2
Y/X Ratio: 1.00
Steady Aim: 0.0
Boost: 0
Exponential Ramp
These setting are inspired by Aemyu's settings, great guy and great player.
If you need any help my discord is JACKTHEGAMER666 # 6148
There is a account name which is my friends account that isn't very appropriate so i apologise on behalf of them
#ximapex #xim #overwatch #overwatchleague #overwatch2 #grandmaster #top10 #top500 #console #xbox #xboxone #xboxseriesx #xboxonex #playstation #playstation4 #playstation5 #ps4 #ps5 #CGL #mccree #widowmaker #ashe #genji #xim4