YGO Metagame Analysis: Top 5 Meta Decks, Hand Traps, Tech Cards!! (September 2020)
New banlist, new format, so let's talk about it!
Top 5 Meta Decks + some solid sleeper decks, which hand traps should we play, best tech cards, and more. While the format may appear similar to the previous one, there are a lot of questions that we'll need to answer as the format progresses and evolves.
Dogmatika Invoked Shaddoll Deck: https://youtu.be/1TPUQcQ3zJU
Dogmatika Invoked Deck Profile: https://youtu.be/flTqRISIFw4
0:00 Introduction
0:20 Top 5 Meta Decks of the Format
6:34 Hand Trap Discussion
11:08 Honorable Mention Decks/Sleeper Decks
15:34 Tech Cards (3T, Cosmic, Droplets)
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