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10 Strangest Things Washed Up on Beaches!
When at the beach, you fully expect to see a few things; sand, other beach goers, the odd animal here
and there. But I’m certain that you wouldn’t be expecting to see any of these. Especially number one so
make sure you watch till the end as we bring you 10 of the strangest things washed up on beaches.
Number 10. A Harley Davidson Motorcycle
Sad to say, there is a lot of trash floating about in the world’s oceans. In fact, there is actually an artificial
island made up entirely of trash floating around out there. There is, you should read about it. Anyway,
sometimes these pieces of trash make their way on to beaches everywhere. This is but an example of it,
but if found by the right person, this piece of trash could actually be treasure.
I’m talking about an entire Harley Davidson Motorcycle washed on the shores of British Columbia back
in 2012. It was inside a styrofoam-lined container, hence the reason why it floated. Amazingly enough, it
was registered in Japan, leading people to conclude that it was one of the many things that was carried
away by the tsunami that ravaged Japan in 2011.
The bike was understandably worse for wear, being out in the open ocean for months. Also, salt water
doesn’t really agree with metal. In any case, this piece of junk could be of some value to someone. And
for people who have a thing for anything from Japan, authorities are expecting a lot more tsunami
debris to wash up on Canadian shores for years to come.
Number 9. A Giant Eyeball
Imagine having a peaceful walk at the beach then you find one of these things literally staring back at
you. Yep, of all the things that the sea could potentially cough up, it decided to gift you with a big, blue
This giant, softball sized peeper was washed up on the shores of Pompano Beach Florida some time in
2012. It was immediately retrieved, thankfully, by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
who subsequently sent it off for study to identify the mystery creature to which it belongs.
It was originally thought to belong to either a giant squid or a colossal squid, but that was quickly
debunked due to the bone surrounding the eyeball, which doesn’t occur in squids. In the end, it was
identified to be the eye of a swordfish, smaller than a colossal squid, but in no way a minnow.
What most likely happened is that a fisherman caught a swordfish and cut its eye out while still at sea,
allowing the disembodied eyeball to find its way to shore, thus terrorizing us in our nightmares.
Number 8. Driftwood
Driftwood is a very common sight on beaches worldwide. But why, you yell at me, does driftwood make
it to this list? Well, if the driftwood just so happens to be the size of a house, then it definitely has all the
right to be included in this list.
This "piece" of driftwood is actually called a drift log. It wasn't measured, but just by looking at the man
standing beside it for scale, it is absolutely massive. In the area where it was found, it’s not really
unusual to find tree sized driftwood washed up on the shore, but most of them are of reasonable size,
around 8 to 10 feet in length.
It is quite possible that severed weather accompanied by high winds toppled what once was a mighty
tree before it ended up in this state. But of course, the specifics of what actually happened may forever
be left unknown.
Number 7. Blue Sailors
Nope, I’m not talking about sad and lonely mariners, I’m talking about jellyfish with a bluish, sometimes
even purple tinge.
Also called by-the-wind-sailors, these jellyfish usually float on the surface in the open ocean, riding wind
and water currents in search of food using a hardened, triangular "sail,” that thing that you see on top of
their domes.
Back in 2015, literally billions of these sea creatures started washing up on the US West Coast beaches.
They first started showing up in Oregon and Washington, but later turned up in California as well. Is this
the result of an ill-fated hostile takeover masterminded by sentient deep-sea organisms, who sent these
hapless jellyfish to their deaths in an attempt to subjugate us land dwellers? Well, not quite.
This mass stranding is simply a result of the wind changing directions, blowing these hapless creatures to
shore and their doom. Not quite as dramatic as the first theory but facts are facts, no matter how
Number 6. Lego Bricks
Many, many years ago, circa 1997, a container filled with millions of Lego pieces fell into the sea off
Cornwall. But, to the surprise of no one, they didn’t stay at the bottom of the ocean, but rather keeps