வேற லெவல் Tricks | Top 10 POWERFUL Android Tips, Tricks and Hacks in 2021 | Top 10 Tamil
வேற லெவல் Tricks | Top 10 POWERFUL Android Tips, Tricks and Hacks in 2021 | Top 10 Tamil
#androidtipsandtricks #androidtricks
In this Video we see about 10 awesome android tips and tricks that really useful use your mobile in unique way...reviewed by top 10 tamil
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1st trick is how to play YouTube music in background without using any app
2nd trick is using google assistant to read any webpage automatically even in Tamil voice
3rd trick is play YouTube video in Picture in picture feature using vlc media player
4rth trick is using https://translate.google.com/ you translate any webpage fully English to Tamil
10 Genius Advanced Android Tips & Tricks For Every Android User | Top 10 Tamil
5th trick is using Instagram stories you can upload more photos in single post
6th trick is Using your lock screen you can set shortcut for flash light or any app to access vey easily and fast
7th trick is lock Instagram chats using this app
8th trick is send SMS without knowing your number
9th trick is very important those who like the entertainment video
10th trick is force dark mode in developer option enable dark mode in all app