10 awesome exercises to make you a better guitarist in 2021
Ready to knuckle down to some serious practice this year? I'm kicking off 2021 with a selection of my favourite guitar exercises. Some straight-forward, some quite challenging. I suggest choosing one or two you like, and adding them to your practice routine. Tab for all the exercises can be found on my Patreon page (pay what you like): https://www.patreon.com/anyonecanplayguitar
Hi: 00:00
What's the point?: 00:39
The Spider: 01:26
Spider variation: 04:48
Stretch: 07:15
Pinky strength: 09:57
Scales in intervals: 11:57
Legato: 14:16
Arpeggios: 16:43
Fast downstrokes: 19:12
Funky 16ths: 21:12
Scale connections: 23:34
Bye: 27:05
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