10 BEST IDEAS | Everything Is F*cked | Mark Manson | Book Summary (MUST WATCH!)
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10 BEST IDEAS | Everything Is F*cked | Mark Manson | Book Summary (MUST WATCH!)
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They say never talk about religion, politics or money at the dinner table and who knows? Maybe that's a good rule to follow here on YouTube as well, but the author of my next book, everything is fucked, says fuck that. He is also the author of the subtle art of not giving a fuck and in this video we're going over the 10 big ideas from this book. Absolutely love the, it covers all those areas in more. This is Clark with Refusing to Settle scope.
The very first thing you need to do is smash the heck out of that like button and leave a comment with your biggest takeaway because we're going to get demonetized so there's no way around sugarcoating this book. Okay, we're going to drop some vulgar language so this is not safe for work. Another way you can support this demonetized video is to go and get this book for free on audible using our affiliate link. I'll link it down below if you like this video. The very first point is this, that everything is awesome and nobody is happy. Actually saw comedians bit about that. That sums this point up perfectly. People who complain on an airplane, right when they're 30,000 feet in the air going 500 miles an hour to a destination that if they did, you know, 50 to a hundred or 200 years ago on the Oregon trail, right?
Like half the people would die in, it would take six months and they're drinking some coffee right there on the plane and they're complaining that the coffee is stale. What's wrong with that? Again, like everything is awesome. You're in a seat, you're watching a movie 30,000 feet in the air. Yet our problems don't go away. So that's the majority of this book. It talks about this point, the paradox of progress, that when you look around in the world today, we're more educated than ever before. We're more literate, we live longer, we have more rights than ever before. Sexism, racism, discrimination is going down and half the planet has access to internet. But if you follow the media or you look at social media, it seems like it's the worst time than ever to be alive. Problems don't go away. They change forms. And when you look at the statistics, anxiety and depression has been an 80 year upswing amongst young adults, so why is that happening?
This entire book is going into in depth why problems are actually good. There are opportunities and we need to reframe it as that instead of something to be avoided and shunned and sheltered from. How can we embrace them full on and embrace pain, which we'll get into. Point number nine is a question. All right, let me ask you this. What is the opposite of happiness? Everyone says, you know, the pursuit of happiness, we all want to be happy and like at the end of the day isn't everything we do for a sense of joy or fulfillment or happiness, right? The initial response are probably two things, right? Anger or sadness, but what's crazy about that is that means you still care. You still care enough to be angry about something or sad about something. In other words, you still have hope and in the book Mark says that the opposite of happiness is apathy, a complete loss of hope.
And that if we can get back into hope, hope for a better future, hope for change, hope for you, then that's where happiness will come from. Let's illustrate it with this story. Boy and girl are in a relationship until one thing happens, the boy cheats on the girl, the girl is left heartbroken, so she kinda disappears. Boy leaves girl in this pain, lingers with her for years. Girl feels like absolute shit about herself. In order for her feeling brain to remain hope, her thinking brain must pick one of two options that aren't very good option a, all men are shit or option B, she is shit. Neither are a good choice. So she decides to go with option a. All men are complete shit. Now jump ahead a few years and girl meets another boy. What's crazy is this boy isn't actually shit. He's actually kind of cool and pretty rad and...
This video is about 10 BEST IDEAS | Everything Is F*cked | Mark Manson | Book Summary (MUST WATCH!)