10 Biggest Fish Ever Caught !
10 Biggest Fish Ever Caught!
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In todays video, we have some of the biggest fish ever caught, from a rather large fish you might see at your local fish market, to a shark bigger that may not be as big as the megalodon, but is still pretty considerable.
Lemon Shark,
We start our list off with a shark that tips the scales for its kind. Heavy sharks aren’t exactly rare, as the typical shark of most species can weigh several hundred pounds on the regular, but lets turn our attention today to the humble Lemon Shark. The Lemon Shark is a smaller shark that typically isn’t on any dangerous lists, despite that though they can be brought in as by catch for larger fishing trips as well as sports fishing. Todays first entry is a Lemon Shark that was caught by one Coleen Harrow in 1988, Down in North Carolina. She reeled this yellow beauty over the course of three grueling hours, but managed to reel it in, and when it came to its final weight, people were shocked! This fish weighed a staggering 405 pounds, which is nearly twice the weight of the typical lemon shark, which is generally 220 on the average.
An Atlantic Halibut
The Atlantic Halibut is a fish that has a more humble background, staying near the sandy bottom of the ocean to look for prey and generally stay away from anything that would mean it harm. This species can live downwards of 2000 m below the sea, but it still can be found swimming above at times, more than likely looking for food or possibly even a new home if its current one becomes to crowded for its liking. The Halibut generally weighs in at 390 pounds, but lets talk about todays catch which came in at 418 pounds and 13 ounces. This bad boy was reeled in by Thomas Nielsen in Norway, and while it may have only take him one hour to do so, its still impressive to tag a catch this large.
A Common Stingray.
The stingray is known all around the world, by marine biology enthusiasts, and people who are familiar with the crocodile hunter for…Sad reasons. Moving on though, the stingray is a mixed species when it comes to its stature. Some older sting rays could be as small as 5 pounds and fit in the palm of your hand, and yet some could rival the likes of a shark in terms of length and weight. That being said, here is a stingray that was brought in by one Bob de Boeck in 1999, who after a 15 minute struggle with the floppy sea pancake, caught this beauty. Weighing it in, the final weight came to an impressive 444 pounds, nothing to look down your nose at!
Salmon Shark.
The Salmon Shark honestly looks like a mini great white, a great white you could pluck from the ocean and take on home to put in a nice fish tank…Disclaimer, please dont do that, I’m sure its illegal. Now catching them for sport? Well thats different. The common Salmon shark is tinier than one would expect and comes in on average at 220 pounds. However Thomas Falmer of Alaska hooked in this big beauty, with it coming in at a pretty good 461 pounds and 9 ounces. Not sure how long it took to reel this cutie in, but I imagine it wasnt that long. Salmon Sharks arent exactly strong.
Silky Shark,
Alright, I’ll admit it…This list is primarily sharks. But, thats isn’t to hard to believe really. Sharks are heavy, and they are fish, so it counts for this list. And lets talk about A shark I bet you havent heard of, the Silky Shark. The Silky shark is a mean little jerk, more than happy to attack divers with some pretty sharp teeth, so it isnt a shark to mess with. Like with its brethren before, theyre also on the menu for commercial fishing, and we have a large one today caught by Bryce Henderson of Port Stephen. This fish took an hour and 30 minutes to reel in, and its final weight came in at 762 pounds and 12 ounces. This is impressive as the average weight for the silky shark is 420 pounds, making this one nearly twice as heavy!
Pacific Bluefin Tuna.
The Bluefin Tuna is a common fish to be caught by commercial fishers and of course sport fishers. They’re highly sought after for their meat, and heck, you’re probably eating one now in your tuna sandwich. Plus, apparently theyre pretty fun for fishers to catch. This fish can clock in at 320 pounds for their average weight, but the one caught today? Nearly 3 times that weight. Donna PAscoe reeled in a massive tuna off the waters of Three Kings in 2014, struggling for over 4 hours to bring this one in.