10 BIGGEST Fish Ever Caught
10 BIGGEST Fish Ever Caught
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10 BIGGEST Fish Ever Caught
Fishing isn’t only a hobby. To some, it’s a rite of passage. To others, it’s a never ending quest to catch
the elusive “big one”. The people on today’s list have caught the big one, and we are here to rank them.
The number one entry is the biggest fish ever caught, and its record has stood for a long time. How
long? Well, stay tuned till the end to find out. Here are the top 15 biggest fish ever caught.
764 Pound Dusky Shark
Dusky sharks are common in many waters, but ones this size are rare. This 764-pounder is the largest
ever caught, according to IGFA. It was taken out of Longboat Key, Florida in May, 1982 by Warren Girle.
The dusky shark swims in tropical and temperate oceans worldwide, cruising from depths of 1,300 feet
near the continental shelf all the way in to the surf zone and other shallow inshore waters. They are
medium sized sharks, growing to about 12 feet long and weighing an average of 350-400 pounds.
Since Girle landed his behemoth dusky, no other dusky catch has even come close.
767 Pound Thresher Shark
David Hannah caught this Thresher using Kahawai Salmon. Catching a Thresher of any size requires a
great deal of skill, because these monsters are known for bashing the hook and bait with their tail
before moving in for the kill. This is why Hannah’s record is even more impressive.
Thresher sharks grow big and are often included in biggest shark lists. Some male specimens reach an
impressive length of 25 feet. On average, adult threshers can weigh 767 pounds. So, Hannah’s catch,
although big, is just about average for a thresher. That doesn’t make the act landing it less impressive
802 Pound Bigeye Thresher Shark
A couple of years before David Hannah, Dianne North reeled in an even bigger Thresher, this time, it was
the bigeye variety. She trolled a Kahawai to hook the fish and then fought the beast for three hours and
45 minutes. What’s interesting is that the two catches occurred just over 30 miles away from each
Most bigeye threshers grow to12 feet long and weigh around 350 pounds. I’m pretty sure Ms. North
herself received a lot of looks after landing this world record bigeye.
907 Pound 6 Ounce Pacific Bluefin Tuna
Angler Donna Pascoe battled this Bluefin for over four hours, and in some very tough weather
conditions. For her impressive catch, Ms. Pascoe received the IGFA Best World Record award for 2014.
The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council this week stated that it’s the largest fish ever caught by a female
angler off New Zealand. But the catch is even more significant.
The monstrous bluefin is 130 pounds heavier than what was at the time, the current all-tackle world
record. As for Pascoe, who was 56 when she reeled in her monster fish, she’ll remember the experience
for the rest of her life regardless of whether her name was placed in the record book.
1182 Pound Swordfish
Swordfish reach the average length of about 6 and a half feet and a maximum weight of 705 pounds.
They have been known to grow larger though, with the heaviest one on record weighing at 1433
pounds. But ask any angler, even an average sized sailfish is one tough fish to reel in. That’s why it’s so
impressive when Lou Marron landed this 14 foot, 1182 pound specimen.
As a testament to how difficult swordfish this large are hard to catch, Marron’s world record catch,
which he set in 1953, still stands to this day.