10 Dinosaurs Caught on Camera in Real Life
10 Dinosaurs Caught on Camera in Real Life
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Dinosaurs have been dead for millions of years, or are they? Thousands of people around the world
continually report dinosaur sightings, but are any of them real? Today we will be looking at 10 dinosaurs
caught on camera. Number 1 is pretty convincing so watch out for it.
Number 10. A Pterosaur in China
Pterosaurs are winged, flying dinosaurs that ruled the skies for 60 million years, before finally going
extinct along with the rest of the dinosaurs. So is it possible that a pterosaur or even a colony of
pterosaurs survived extinction and now inhabits the untouched regions of China? If this clip is to be
believed, then the answer is a definite yes.
This video was first uploaded to Amazing Mystery Videos’ YouTube channel in 2014. This short clip to
show a pterosaur flying through the sky, and was supposedly filmed in 1973 by a military group near the
city of Yantai, China. The video is short and the quality very grainy, but it does show the unmistakable
outline of some huge, winged creature, and a distinct crest on its head, making people think that this is
an actual pterosaur.
Some people have even speculated that the winged creature was a tapejara, a species of pterosaur that
only lived in Brazil. So, do pterosaurs still regularly take flight in the skies above China? What do you
Number 9. A Mammoth in Siberia
Although not a dinosaur, wooly mammoths are also prehistoric creatures that fascinate us to this day. In
fact, certain scientists are desperately trying to bring this extinct creature back into existence. But what
if they don’t have to? What if all they needed to do was to take a trip to Siberia to find and perhaps even
capture one?
First appearing in 2012, this grainy footage first surfaced and claims to be showing evidence that the
wooly mammoth still exists out in the frozen wilderness of Siberia. The huge animal, having the
silhouette of a hairy elephant, is seen crossing a frozen river.
While woolly mammoths mostly disappeared around 10,000 years ago, several isolated populations
managed to survive until as recently as 4,000 years ago. They coexisted with early humans who hunted
them for food as well as used their bones and tusks for tools and art.
Is it possible that some of these late survivors somehow managed to avoid human detection and thrive
out in that frozen wilderness? Non-believer argue that the video is so grainy that it can’t be considered
solid proof, and argued that it could might as well just be a bear clutching a fish in its jaws.
So, is it a mammoth or just a hungry bear? You decide.
Number 8. The Ancient River Monster
Lake and river monsters have always been thought to be surviving remnants of our prehistoric past.
From Nessie to Ogopogo, these monsters are always thought to be a species of plesiosaur that
somehow survived extinction.
The video you are seeing was uploaded to Seamonstervideos’ YouTube channel in 2008. It shows what
many believe may be some type of prehistoric marine lizard that has a three-pronged tail.
While some say that the creature in the video is just a seal, the video makes it very clear that it is way
larger than any seal. Others also say that the creature could be a manatee, whose tail was injured in a
collision with a boat propeller, but closer examination of the video seem to show that the tail indeed has
three prongs.
Verifying whether this video is genuine or not is proving to be very difficult though, as there are no
details on who shot it and where it was shot. One thing is for certain; the creature in the video is big, as
big as a dinosaur.
Could it be a prehistoric plesiosaur undiscovered for millions of years? Let us know what you think.
Number 7. A Raptor in the Woods
Thanks to Jurassic Park, raptors have taken front and center of our thoughts when dinosaurs are in the
conversation. And if this video turns out to be real, then the movies is not the only place you will be able
to see these vicious creatures.
Originally uploaded to Real Paranormal Videos in 2016, this video claims to show a raptor running near
the edge of the woods.