Megalodons Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!
Megalodons Caught on Camera and Spotted
in Real Life!
Fossils suggest us Megalodon went vanished over 2.6 million years ago, While
most experts continue to deny the idea that great monster Megalodon still
swims the oceans, the folks at our channel have gathered the best evidence to
the contrary. Have a look and decide for yourself whether the monster
Megalodon is alive or ancient history. And before we began with the
countdown, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel.
10_The Brazilian Beast
Hoaxes generally involve doctored footage and noticeably staged interviews.
For Example, the Discovery channel’s debated documentary Megalodon! The
Monster Shark Exists received criticism for using paid actors in place of experts,
and Computer Generated Imaginary-enhanced depictions of deep-water
predators. But often, the finest evidence of shadowy and disputed phenomena
comes by coincidence. This footage was taken unintentionally by members of
the Brazilian Coast Guard in 2013 in a relatively routine sea-to-air operation, it
shows a gigantic shark passing by a diver in the upper right-hand angle of the
screen. Investigators believe that the fish caught on the camera could be as
much as 60 feet in length. Unluckily, the giant was not spotted by the viewers
but revealed later as technicians watched the video. Knowing how a real
Megalodon would respond to panic and lashing in the water, the Coast Guard’s
naked-eye mistake might just have saved their lives.
9_The Mexican Black Demon
In October 2015, the YouTube channel Official Best Documentary released a
documentary about what it named the most dangerous shark in the world. A
monster comparable to the great white, but far exceeding its known size and
weight, has been reported by residents of the Sea of Cortez for years. The area
located between the mainland of Mexico and the Baja California Peninsula, it is
home to some of the world's weirdest and diverse range of underwater species
of sea monsters. There is one creature that has come to be known as 'The
Black Demon’, which has locals scared of it. It is believed this creature could be
a man-eater and may have a taste for human meat. The creature is said to
resemble a Great White, but with very dark coloration and a monstrous
appearance. Terrified fishermen along the Baja Peninsula have reported
spotting the Black Demon, which from witness accounts and investigation is
said to mature as long as 80 feet. Some say it could be the giant Megalodon or
a new species of shark, maybe even an oversized Great White. Many missions
were launched to locate this monstrous fish, even on MonsterQuest in the
chapter Mega-Jaws, but they failed to discover anything. Unfortunately,
sightings are occasional and the monster is elusive. Because of this, not much
is known.
8_The Maier May
Michael Maier, aquatic zoologist and a cage diver shocked the scientific
community earlier this year by releasing footage of the biggest shark ever
filmed, a 7-meter long female giant while affectionately called Deep Blue. The
legendarily long monster lives off the coast of Guadalupe Island, Mexico and
luckily, never threatened humans. In the recording, the Megalodon can be
seen curiously circling cage divers and causing no harm. Possibly mellowness
comes with old age – Deep Blue is believed to be at least 50 years old.
7_Mysterious Indonesian Demon
Inhabiting tropical oceans waters near most continents, whale sharks are
known for rising to the size of a real Megalodon, with the lengthiest on record
measuring almost 50 feet. These sharks have been known as tame and
harmless filter-feeders. But this footage, taken off the Indonesian coast in
2012, shows an unlucky diver being attacked by a suddenly aggressive and
terrifying whale shark. Why the sudden volatility? Some researchers believe
that as climate change disturbs sea levels and oxygen content in ocean waters,
some previously docile giant fish may become hostile, like the shark shown in
the video. Or who knows it could be a Megalodon?
6_Open an Old case of Kraken
The Kraken is one of our best known seafaring myths, showing up in popular
culture such as the sword-and-sorcery franchise Clash of the Titans. The
aquatic beast originated from Norse storytelling and has been supposed to
dwell off the shores of Norway and Greenland. The beasts have been described
as gigantic Megaladon or a squid that attacks sailors and their boats. Recent
revelations of a real-life Colossal Squid have given much reason to think these
shocking and tendrils creatures are the motivation behind the Kraken.