10 Huge Mistakes That Made It Into Victorious
Even the cast of Victorious didn't notice these mistakes
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It's hard to believe that Nickelodeon's "Victorious" aired its series finale back in 2013. It still feels like yesterday that Cat Valentine, played by Ariana Grande, was skipping through the halls of Hollywood Arts High School. Back then, there was no way of knowing that Ariana would soon become one of the biggest pop stars in America. Turns out, Hollywood Arts does know talent when they see it!
To this very day, "Victorious" fans still laugh when thinking of all the shenanigans Jade West, Tori Vega, Beck Oliver, and Cat Valentine got themselves into. But while "Victorious" was close to perfect, it still had its fair share of goofs and inconsistencies. In fact, a lot of the events in "Victorious" just don't add up. Plus, the show is riddled with plot holes, continuity errors, and audio problems - but who's counting? Tune into TheThings as we reveal the top 10 huge mistakes that made it into "Victorious."
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